Tag Archives: Theme park

On to Sweden! Next stop, Liseberg

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts documenting our 2023 summer holiday: a wonderful road-trip around DenmarkSweden and Norway.

Day 5: July 28, 2023

Today we said farvel to Denmark (for now) with a 315km road trip to Gothenburg (Göteborg).

But before we could leave Denmark we needed to get some more Danish pastries for the road. And where better than at a Lagkagehuset? For we Brits that’s the chain of bakeries that we are more familiar with as Ole & Steen.

Pastries procured we started our drive towards another landmark of Danish culture – the Øresund Bridge. This crossing had been firmly embedded in my consciousness after my very first visit to the Government Digital Service offices and a pub conversation about this incredible new Danish-Swedish thriller. Suffice to say Christine and I absolutely loved Bron/Broen and here we were with our opportunity to follow in the wheel tracks of Saga, Martin and Henrik.

Aerial view of the 8km Øresund Bridge taken from a plane. The artificial island of Peberholm is visible in the foreground where the road disappears into the 4km Drogden Tunnel. The sea is bright and blue and the sky is clear with a few scattered clouds.
A photo of the Øresund crossing taken by my pilot friend Chris from the cockpit of his Easyjet

I had forgotten that as well as being an 8km long road and railway bridge, that the Øresund crossing starts with a 4km tunnel (the Drogden Tunnel) linking the Danish island of Amager with the artificial island of Peberholm. I also hadn’t realised that every time that olive green Porsche did the crossing that it would take a good half an hour and cost £55 (maybe the police have an exemption).

Continue reading On to Sweden! Next stop, Liseberg

Fun at Tivoli Gardens

This is the third in a series of blog posts documenting our 2023 summer holiday: a wonderful road-trip around DenmarkSweden and Norway.

Day 3: July 26, 2023

The third day of our holiday was one we were all very excited for – the first theme park of the trip as we planned to spend the day at the iconic Tivoli Gardens.

After making sure we stocked up with a hearty breakfast at Cabinn we walked into the centre of Copenhagen.

Our visit coincided with the culmination of the 110th Tour de France, which had been won by Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard. This meant that the centre of Copenhagen was buzzing with cycling fans. We were in the queue for Tivoli before the majority of people had arrived but it was still getting busy enough. And as we made our way into the park we found that a special stage had been set up inside in his honour.

There is a dizzying array of ticketing options for Tivoli Gardens. At its most basic you can buy a ticket to enter the gardens and have pay per use access to the rides and amenities. And then there were various ticket passes and packages that included food and drink and photos.

Continue reading Fun at Tivoli Gardens